
Please refer to the guidelines below to create a registered account and then register to participate.

1: Create your own account

Fill in your information and create your account

  • You will receive a confirmation email when you created a new account. If you haven’t received the email, your registered email may be invalid or incorrect. Please check your registered email on your profile.
  • Please log in with your ID and password once your account is created.

2: Account recovery setting

Passwords are encrypted for security reason. Therefore, the secretary and the operating company Atlas Co. Ltd. cannot check the password. If you can receive emails, you can set a new password. However, if you can no longer reference the email from the email address you registered for logging in because of a job change or transfer, you can no longer log in. If the contact address for account recovery is set, a new password can be set from that contact address and the same account can be used even when the login email address cannot be used. (This step can be skipped, if you don’t need it.)

3: Payment Registration

  • Payment is accepted via credit card only
  • You will receive an invoice upon completing the registration